Launch out into the D.E.E.P.


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Can’t be with us in NERMC, then join the worship online on YouTube


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Frequently Asked

What is Synod?

The Synod is the Supreme Court of the Church, which consists of all the members of the Regional Mission Councils.

Who is involved?

It involves all the officers of the Synod, ministers, lay pastors, commissioned workers, congregational delegates and UCJCI partners.

What is the purpose?

The Synod deliberates on matters which concern the whole church in doctrine, worship, discipline, government, administration, decision making and much more.

How does the Synod impact my congregation?

It seeks to promote unity of the congregations and supports them in the extending of God’s kingdom through strategic direction.

Are you a delegate, auxiliary representative, commissioned worker, lay pastor or minister?

Register now for the 44th Synod of the UCJCI.